♥ All Good Things, Must Come To An End. ♥
If you've followed my blog for a while, you might know I've been living in Gibraltar for the last three months. It's had it's ups and downs for me but it's just not a place I can settle and work in. The working industries there are aimed at customer service or bar work/waitressing. I don't have a problem with these at all, but it's just something I don't wish to do. I could never see myself being happy sitting in an office answering calls and helping people on a customer service basis or serving people food. It's just not for me. When I initially moved here, I intended on finding a job in retail as that's what I did back home but I was looking for more fashion retail work and here, those jobs require you to speak fluent Spanish. Something I wasn't aware of. Many things have told me I need to go home and regroup. We had a problem with our apartment and we had to leave, money has been an issue (can't work on a blog if you don't have the money to get products!) and the last few days have just been an emotional train-wreck. So I have a week holiday booked in Torremolinos, Spain which is about 2 hours away on a bus and I'm going to relax, work out (who the hotel has a gym!) and catch up on some reading. I have a few posts I'm going to work on so I can put them up while I'm there and then I'm going to get back home and back working on my blog.

Although I've found things hard here, I'm really looking forward to going home and seeing my friends and family. Even though I'm going to be jobless, I see it as an opportunity to write more and focus on myself. Coming here as opened a window for me. I've found a love for travelling which I didn't think would ever happen. I now know I want to do so much more with my life. I've even started looking into animal conservation projects in Africa and Asia. I really recommend people try and do something like this. If I ever do it (which I know I will :P) I will definitely do a blog post on that. Oh imagine the photography you could take.
Okay time to get back on topic! I've done things in the last few months I've never done in my entire life and even though this has been a bit of a fail, It still counts as a life lesson and a step in the right direction.
I truly believe in the phrase, don't knock it until you try it. It might be my new mantra!
I hope you guys have liked the few posts I've done about my trip here, and I hope you like the pictures I've posted. It really is a beautiful place, just might be the wrong time for me. Never give up on your dreams and opportunities as you continue to grow and learn every time you do something new.
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